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Stylish Sewing Stool

I am so far behind on my projects! This time of year, there are garage sales, auctions and all kinds of opportunity for buying. I usually take advantage of it. And of course, I have all that marvelous stuff I picked up on the 127 sale. All of this has put me behind on projects and posting. Fortunately, I still have a few finished projects to share. This particular one was completed while everything was shut down around here.

I find these types of stools everywhere. The original use was with sewing machines in the 60s and 70s. They are plentiful and inexpensive. I can usually get them for under $10. I often get them for $1 at yard sales. The seat usually justs nests inside a ledge around the edge of the stool. The area under the upholstered part was usually used for sewing notions. Spools of thread, bobbins, bits and bobs of trim and lace. I always like to see what is lurking beneath. This one had nothing. Boo.

I painted the stool with black Folk Art chalk paint.

I used a heavy hand to sand the piece to distress it. I coated the entire piece with Varathane Crystal Clear Polyurethane in the Satin finish. The base was now finished. I just needed to reupholster the seat.

I used a buffalo check pattern in cream and black. I replaced the padding and stapled the fabric to the bottom of the seat.

I added a fabric covered button in the center of the seat to add a nice contrast.

To protect the underside of the seat (particularly the tie-off for the button), I added dust cover fabric.

This was a really quick makeover. I have been putting the completed projects in the shops as soon as I finish them and I am grateful to report this one sold really quickly. I hope it found a good home.

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Below is an image to pin to Pinterest if you would like to save this idea!


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