Today we drove from Chattanooga, TN to Crossville, TN. Signal Mountain is the first town with yard sales and we hit the ground running! The van had been completely organized the night before and we were ready to fill it! Unfortunately, today's route wasn't ready for us. The sales have started to be really picked over yet people aren't really ready to deal just yet. We found a few things today, but we still have plenty of room in the van! No reorg of the van was required this evening.

My first find of the day? This metal 1800s spice storage/travel tin. It is missing the nutmeg grater and the names of the spices are barely visible, but they are definitely there.

I think if I carefully clean this, the names will be more visible.

I would say I made the majority of my purchases at three or four locations today. It seemed when I found a spot and they had interesting items and great prices, I stocked up. I picked up this cast iron desk lamp. I will probably re-wire it. It has a great patina!

At the same stop, I found this vintage sewing basket with a bakelite handle. Bonus: it was filled with spools of tatting thread.

The lady at that stop was so nice. She had already given me my total and I asked her to add this. She said she was just going to add it in at no charge! Very sweet!

And last, but not least, we found Jesus at this stop. A vintage blow-mold Jesus. Blow molds sell well for me at Halloween and Christmas so how could I pass up Jesus?

We see lots of creative yard sale signs during this trip. This one wins in my book! So creative!

Before leaving Signal Mountain, we always make the trek up to this sale. It is a farm with the most beautiful views. There are farm animals running all over the place. It is always a treat to visit.
There is just something to see at every turn!

Something I have never noticed before was all the cow bells hanging from the ceiling in the barn.
Our visit this year was tinged with sadness. As we approached the property today, we saw realtor's signs. The property is for sale! I hope the new owners continue this tradition of allowing vendors on their property, but if they don't, we have so enjoyed the property over the years and are grateful for the time we have gotten to spend there. Here is the link for the property if you have a few extra dollars laying around....

After leaving Signal Mountain, we had quite a dry spell. We went to sale after sale and walked away empty handed. Mid afternoon, I was able to score this cast iron lamp base. Again, I will re-wire it (no one wants to plug in that old wiring!).

Towards the end of the day, we pulled into a field and immediately saw this smoking stand. I have had luck up cycling this in the past. This one needs a lot of love, but I was able to get it for a good price. It was also a vendor that had a lot of things I purchased.
I scored all of these items (and a couple other things) at that location.

We stopped at this sale and noticed everything had been drenched in rain. Fortunately, we had completely missed the storm! I scored all three of these Camp Fire Girls books and the sweet seller gave me a great deal. It had rained and she moved a bunch of stuff inside and she was ready to be done and she was making deals.

My treasures at that sale also included these two vintage oil paintings from Italy. These are tiny canvases with these beautiful images painted on them. She gave me a great deal on these as well.
After that, most of the vendors that were north of our location had encountered the storm and most had battened down the hatches and closed up. We were able to arrive at the hotel earlier than usual and had a little time to rest up before dinner.
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