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Fancy Floral Chair

Every year I shop the 127 Sale, also know as the World's Longest Yard sale. It runs through six states from Michigan to Alabama. It is a lot of fun and I have a lot of blog posts about it. It is about 700 miles of yard sales, flea markets and just a variety of fun places to stop and shop. I was driving in Tennessee, it was early in the morning and we had just left our hotel and turned back on to the 127 highway. I literally had just turned on to the highway when my God daughter yelled, "Pull over!" I thought maybe she had left something at the hotel or maybe wasn't feeling well. Nope, she had spied a treasure and it was calling out to her. Let me tell you. This girl has strong negotiating skills. I let her negotiate for me. She comes across all nice and sweet—but let me tell you, this girl is a shark! She negotiated and got a good deal on the chair.

This is our van by the end of that trip! We make use of every inch available. If you think there is still room for more, I am right there with you! I see available space! LOL.

The original plan was to strip the paint off of the chair and return it to a beautiful wood chair. I advised my God daughter against this plan (because I had stripped furniture before and she had not). This is one of those instances where she had to give it a try and learn for herself. After removing the old fabric, she applied a couple of coats of stripper and removed some of the multiple layers of paint. She was able to get down to the wood on the arms of the chair, because they are relatively flat. This is when she found out how difficult it is to get layers of pay out of the intricate, non-flat areas. She worked on it a couple of times over the last couple of years.

When I was cleaning up the workshop after Christmas, I set this chair aside and told her it was time to finish it or trash it. It was at that point she decided that she would paint it. Excellent plan! She sanded it down to a point where she could apply a couple of coats of Rustoleum Chalked paint. Then I distressed it and put a coat of polyurethane on it. I retied the springs and set about reupholstering the chair.

I put upholstery webbing on the back of the chair. For the seat, I cut a piece of two-inch foam to fit. I have to admit, I haven't mastered upholstering this type of chair yet. I watch videos online and give it a go whenever I have a chair like this, but I feel there are some things I could have done better. Case in point, the wrinkles around the arms of the chair. I still haven't figured out how to do that and make it look good. Maybe next time.

I did use complementary piping around the chair to give it a little more style. I was really please with how this feature turned out.

Then I cut foam and batting for the back of the chair and upholstered it. Again, I am my own worst critic and feel there are some things I could do better. I feel the line along the top could be a bit smoother. I do a little better each time so maybe the next one will be better. I also used piping along the top to add a little style.

I added black dust fabric on the bottom to finish it.

Overall, I really love how it turned out. My God daughter bought this to keep for her own home. She selected and purchased the fabric. I think this will be a beautiful addition to her home (when she eventually moves out of her mom and dad's place). The little green stand was a project I completed recently. You can see the full details here.

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