,The 127 Sale—also know as the World's Longest Yard Sale starts tomorrow. We (my sister, brother and I) left Tuesday night from Northern Indiana to head to the starting (or finishing—depending on your perspective) point in Gadsden, Alabama.
I put a vinyl cutout on the back windshield so everyone would know where we were headed and how to follow us on our trip.

We stayed overnight in Cave City, Kentucky and then headed to Gadsden this morning. It rained most of the way. We did see the sun for a while passing though Nashville.
We arrived in Gadsden around 2 pm today. Typically a lot of vendors are open on Wednesday but because of the rain, we only found a couple open.

There were multiple vendors braving the rain in this location. I bought three wire baskets from one of them.

The round "flower" one with the yellow and blue handle is my favorite.

I bought these ceramic roosters at another location.

Classic 60s/70s kitchen decor. Love them.
That was the extent of my scores today. Hopefully the rain will hold off for the next few days so we can find some treasures!