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Coffee Anyone?

Vintage tins can be used in a variety of ways. This Old Master Coffee tin has some amazing graphics. It also has great patina. And the best part is it only cost $2 for the tin (with a pile of spice tins thrown in).

This looks great in a kitchen next to an old coffee grinder.

Another way to use this is as a vase.

To protect the tin, I used a tall beer glass to set inside the tin.

It was the perfect size for this tin.

This is the lid of the tin. It promotes Royal Garden Tea. That makes this tin even more ideal for use as a vase.

Next, just add a bouquet of flowers and of course every master needs a puppy! This chalkware dog watches over my living room.

Here is the finished display. Think outside the box when displaying your flowers. Take a look around your home and see what can be repurposed.

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