Thought I would share one of my small, but favorite, collections. I am a Navy brat. I grew up on a US Naval base. My father served our country for 22 years. I started picking up US Navy collectibles over the years.

I have my US Navy collectibles in my guest bedroom. This little shelf...

and a couple of items displayed on this rocking chair.

This little sailor doll has seen better days but he keeps watch over my collection.

This is the piece that started it all. I picked up this stuffed dog several years ago at an auction. I wanted this so badly and the auction went on and on. It was one of the very last items to sell. I guess patience pays off because I only had to pay $5 for this beauty. After I bought it, a older gentleman came up to me and asked why I bought it. I told him my father trained there and I grew up on that base and I just had to have it. He told me the items in the auctions were his estate and he had purchased it when he was there training in the 1940s. How cool is that!

I love this paperweight.

These are 48 star flags. That's how many stars were on the flag when my dad joined the Navy.

This handsome fella is my dad....

This wool blanket reminded me of the wool blankets we had when I was a kid, so scratchy, but warm!

I also have a couple of these souvenir pillows. Servicemen often sent them back to their sweeties or their mothers. These two are in really good shape.
So that's my little US Navy collection. Small but very meaningful!