I found this rocking chair at a garage sale that was getting ready to close up. It was almost 5 o'clock on a Saturday. It was missing the back padding.

This chair had been marked down already, but I took a chance and asked if she would take less. So $15 made this cutie mine!

It has a drawer under the seat.

The seat wasn't attached, so it was super easy to remove! :)

I have said before that reupholstery projects are an archaeological dig—you never know what you are going to find under that fabric! This one had two layers of fabric and the foam was disintegrating.

I had this pretty blue fabric left over from another project. There was just enough to finish this project. I made a new piece to attach to the back of the chair.

I loved the drawer but thought it needed a handle. It was really difficult to pull the drawer out withoutt it. I thought this one really fit the style of the rocker.
I shined up the wood and now it is ready for a new home!