I stopped at a garage sale on my way to work this morning. I didn't see much that interested me. Just as I was getting ready to leave the sale, I saw a tub of books and this caught my eye...

Renwal Teach Me about Birds Flash Cards....

from 1968. 49 years old and yet they look brand new. They are pristine, like they have never been used.
I am familiar with the Renwal brand. I know them for making plastic doll furniture for tin litho doll houses in the 50s and 60s. Their individual pieces of furniture are well made and can be a bit pricey. I didn't know they made flash cards.

There are 48 different birds and the illustrations are so well done. The color is fantastic.

Just look at these beauties...

Each card has information about the bird on the back.

It even had the instructions. I am always buying to sell. I only paid 50 cents for this, but I think I will keep it for a little while before I sell it—especially since this is something I have never seen before.