I have posted several foot stool projects on this site. I can't help it. They are inexpensive and super easy to reinvent! This little number had hideous blue, really dirty, fabric. So per usual, I set about removing the layers of fabric.

Removing fabric is like an archeology dig...you never know what you will unearth!

Waiting for me under the blue fabric was a bright red quilted fabric. Under that was a natural color linen fabric. And under that was the very tired stuffing.

I painted the legs black, but a new piece of foam and covered it with a layer of batting.

This fabric makes me happy....

I added some upholstery tacks to the corner. They are decorative and helped hold the fabric to the frame. The wood on the frame was iffy. It had clearly been stapled, nailed and tacked mulltiple times over the years and has taken a toll on the frame. This held together after some creative stapling. Overall, I was pleased with how it turned out. These foot stools always sell quickly in the shop. This one did!