fabI have been traveling all week for work so this morning I ventured out to the Saturday morning garage sales. I didn't expect to find much since most of the good stuff gets scooped up on Fridays. But I managed to find some really cool treasures!

This cute kitchen cabinet has wheels and was super clean!

It had these illustrations on each side.

Great little wire shelf inside! This went from the garage sale straight to the booth. I love it when I don't have to do anything but stick a tag on it!

I have my own stash of dice so I loved finding this great Ball jar with the glass and metal lid filled with dice! I haven't opened yet, but I think there are some Bakelite pieces in there.

Love the lid!

This wire basket came with all the pool balls AND the croquet balls. Ooh la la!

The same garage sale had this drawer and the jar opener and jar tongs.

Love this!

This is a Roseville pottery flower frog. This was a steal at $2!

This little guy came from a sale. I did a quick scan (mostly clothes) from the road and wasn't going to get out of the car at this sale. They had some smalls on a little table in the back so I went ahead and browsed....and found this gem! It wasn't marked so I asked how much. She said a quarter.....25 cents, mere pennies for this fab find. Let me introduce you to Corky, a Hull pottery bank from 1957. You will often find them in brown, occasionally in pink/blue, but you rarely see a green one! When I saw it on the table, it didn't have the cork in it, but I was not deterred (you can easily find a replacement cork on eBay). But when I picked it up, I could hear the cork rolling around inside. A Corky Hull Pottery Pig Bank, with the original cork for $.25. This was my find of the day. A green Corky sells for $40 to $70 on eBay.

I ran by an estate sale and found some kitchen items. Love the glass canister. They were often used in Hoosier cupboards. I will add this vintage Santa cookie cutter (only 10 cents!) to my Santa collection. See the smiley face on the rooster? That means it was in the 10 cent group. This is a vintage Napco ceramic rooster.

I was particularly excited about finding this stool. For only $7, I have a new stool to use while working on projects!

I also found these cookbooks at the estate sale. I am a sucker for the Better Homes and Garden cookbooks and the Betty Crocker cookbooks. I pick up every one that is less than $3. Some I sell and some I KEEP! Ha!

These two books were in the bottom of a box. The 1962 Fun with our Family book is classic Dick and Jane fare. The Raggedy Ann book is marked 1943. It has beautiful illustrations.

Look at these luscious illustrations!

So my haul today wasn't bad at all for a Saturday. Happy hunting to you all!
#raggedyann #raggedyandy #book #DickandJane #BHG #betterhomesandgardens #cookbook #Napco #rooster #corky #pig #hull #pottery #santa #cookie #cutter #canister #hoosiercupboard #Roseville #flower #frog #jar #opener #drawer #tongs #croquet #balls #poolballs #basket #dice #ball #cabinet #kitchen #FabFind #garagesale