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A Deal

Foot stools are a quick and easy redo. Particularly if you are just starting out reupholstering furniture. I pick them up all the time. This cute little foot stool was found at a church rummage sale. It was marked $5—A Deal. I would agree that it is indeed—a deal!

Upholstery project like this are great for beginners because the top is easily removed from the base.

Simply remove the screw in each corner on the underside of the footstool.

This make the old upholstery easy to remove and very easy to add new fabric.

For some reason, a previous owner had added this quilt piece to the top of the stool.

It had several stains but I saved it. I will wash it and see if the stains come out. If not, it will go in the trash.

For foot stools, I always check to see what remnants I have. Foot stools are a perfect way to use up those last little pieces of fabric. This striped canvas was perfect for this piece. When working with stripes, it is important to ensure they are perfectly straight. I always tack down a piece on all four sides and then work my way out to the edges.

This is the fabric when fully stapled to the seat.

A quick coat of Folk Art Sheepskin Chalk Pain matched the fabric perfectly. Sanding to distress and a coat of polyurethane to protect. When the top has been reupholstered, simply screw it back to the base!

I was really happy with this piece. It took less than an hour to do this project. It is a perfect starter piece if you have never reupholstered anything.

It sold within a couple of hours of being placed in the shop. Score!

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