Today was another gorgeous morning on the 127 sale. We drove from Chattanooga up to Signal Mountain to begin our yard sale adventure today. The drive up the mountain, although curvy is gorgeous. Seeing the iconic space ship house (google it!) is always a treat. I can't get a photo of it while driving.
Sales were lighter in Signal Mountain this year. We weren't sure what to expect with the Covid situation, but there were still plenty to keep us busy this morning. Although we went to several sales, I left each one empty handed for the first couple hours of the day.

Fortunately, just north of Signal Mountain is my favorite stop on the route. The "Million Dollar View Farm". It is a couple miles off of the route, but it 100% worth the drive. It is simply breathtaking.
To say the farm is idyllic is severely underplaying the wonderment of it. There is an assortment of animals wandering around and everywhere you look is something simply stunning. Take a flip through the slideshow below.
This place must have spurred some inspiration because we started finding a few things after that stop.

This beautiful pottery pitcher was half off so it went in the back of the van.

I also picked up this tin litho globe at the same place as the pottery pitcher.
After a break in Dunlap at the Dunlap Restaurant, which had fantastic food, we were on our way again.

I found this Sunshine Biscuit display lid. They also had the box, but it was smashed. I am going to try to revive it so we will see how that goes.
The same dealer also had this metal scoop for a scale. They work well in farmhouse decor so I "scooped" it up!

Another stop resulted in three finds. One was this vintage cookbook featuring Five Roses Flour.

Another was this Family Circle Cookbook.

And this cute little crock jug. Usually if I find one vendor that has something I like, I buy several things.

This vintage locker basket was the last thing I bought today. We did a little shopping before breaking for dinner and this basket will be useful for corralling things in the back of the van on the way home!
Although we didn't find a lot today, we saw some incredible scenery and I laughed until I almost peed my pants. We had a great day. We are hoping for some deals on Saturday! We have to fill up that van!
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