, pub-2553055199230800, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Upcycle | Junk Is My Life
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I love hunting for vintage treasures at garage sales, estate sales, farm auctions, flea markets or the side of the road, then I fix it, clean it, and sell it! Shhh...sometimes I keep it!


Thanks for visiting Junk is My Life! Come along the backroads of Indiana and let's find some vintage junk!


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vintage sledding metal disc with snowman

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I purchased this vintage metal flying saucer sledding disc recently at an estate sale. Remember flying down a hill when you were a kid on one of these—ultimately tipping over and flipping you out most of the time? And when Clark Griswald (Chevy Chase) uses a “non-chloric, silicon-based kitchen lubricant” to grease his flying saucer sled in the iconic Christmas movie Christmas Vacation? Classic.

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